Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Away From a Deal

I remember the first time I had to walk away from a deal. I was young and inexperienced, and the other party was offering me far less than what I wanted. But even though it meant leaving empty-handed, I knew it was the right thing to do. Since then, I’ve learned that walking away from a bad deal is sometimes the best course of action – even if it means giving up something in the short term. After all, if negotiation isn’t going your way, chances are you’re not going to get what you want anyway. So why waste your time? It is not always easy to walk away from a deal. It takes guts to stand up for yourself and say no when everyone else is saying yes. But trust me, it’s worth it – both in business and in life.

Walking Away From a Deal

When two parties are negotiating a deal and one party wants to leave the negotiation, they may say they are “walking away from the deal.”

This usually means that the party is no longer interested in negotiating and will not continue to try to reach an agreement.

How To Decide When It’s Time to Stop Negotiating

How do you decide when to walk away from a negotiating table? And once you’ve made the decision, how do you do it?

One way to decide whether or not a salary offer is good for you is by asking yourself if it still fits with your “wish,” “want” and “walk” value.

Preparation is key for successful negotiations. Know what your values are and your alternative options before you sit down at the negotiating table.

Before a sales meeting, it’s important to think about what your walk, talk and wish lists are. If you set these beforehand, you can make sure that you don’t leave anything out during the negotiations.

Let’s talk about them.

Your “starting point” for negotiations is your “wish” value. It’s better to start off with a high number so you have some wiggle room for negotiating.

It can be intimidating to ask for a high price, but don’t let that stop you. After all, you’re offering something valuable.

While setting ambitious goals might seem unattainable, it’s an essential step to making sure you get the best deal possible. Since women typically aim lower than men, it’s especially important to set the bar as high as you can.

Your “want” value is what you’d ideally like to receive, and anything less would be considered a failure. This is what you should aim to negotiate for, and anything more than this should just be a pleasant surprise.

Some salespeople make the mistake of confusing their targets by either offering them the absolute minimum they can get away with, or, on the other extreme, a ridiculously high price that is completely unrealistic.

While making a million bucks would be nice, it’s not necessarily a realistic goal. Instead, you should set your sights on a more realistic number, such as what the market rate is for your service.

It’s important to set your “walk away” value before beginning negotiations. Otherwise, you may find yourself negotiating down from your original offer.

Let’s assume you’re asking for 15% more salary, but have you determined your walk-away point?

If your boss offers you a 5% pay increase, you may think to yourself, “Well, it’s better than nothing, and I’m not about to quit my job if I can’t get a 15% bump, so I might as well take the 5%.” A better way to approach the situation, however, is to decide that a minimum 10% increase in your salary is what you need to feel happy and valued at your job.

If you’re offered a lower-than-expected starting wage, you can negotiate further or start looking for a new position.

To sum it all up, if you’re trying to negotiate for more money, it’s essential that you set your ideal salary, desired raise, and walk away number ahead of time. This way, you’ll know how much you’re willing to compromise and when to walk away with your tail between your legs.

It can be tough to turn down a job offer, but keep in mind that both you and your future boss will be happier if you decline the position if you are not fully satisfied.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, resenting your job, and know you will eventually have to leave, it’s best to be upfront with your boss about what you need. Be willing to find creative ways to meet those needs and alleviate your stress.

While you may not be able to negotiate a higher starting pay, if you continue to prove your worth to the company, you can certainly ask for a pay raise during the next round of reviews.

The most important skill to have when negotiating with a prospect is to be able to keep an open mind. Even if you’re turning down an opportunity, you’ll still be able to have a civil conversation with them.

How to Walk Away From a Deal

It’s natural to get upset when negotiations reach a stalemate. But, if you feel like you’re being taken advantage of, you should still end the conversation politely.

It’s important to remember that the dealership still has the car until it is sold to someone else. Therefore, the deal is not completely dead.

As a serious buyer, I have done my research and will not negotiate above my worst-case figure. My offer is serious, and I expect the dealership to take it seriously as well.

If you’re not getting anywhere with the salesperson, it’s time to ask for their worst-case price. Even if they don’t want to reveal it, this question could lead to finding some common ground.

If you’re dead set on leaving, be prepared for some pushback from the salesperson.

Don’t be discouraged if the salesperson tries to tell you that you won’t find a better deal elsewhere. Stick to your guns and walk out of the dealership if they’re not willing to meet your price.

Thank you for your time, [salesperson’s name]. I’m still interested in the car at my desired price. If you can meet that price, please reach out to me at [contact information]. I’m shopping around, so I won’t wait forever.

Remind them that you’re looking for the best deal, so you won’t be waiting too long.

Simple, but hard

So, what’s the catch? Can something so simple really help you work out a better deal?

I believe negotiation is a skill that anyone can learn. You don’t have to be a slick talker, have charisma, or be a charismatic person to be good at negotiating. Just be honest with yourself and know at what point you’ll walk away from a deal.

While it’s simple in concept, it can be hard to put into practice. It can be hard managing your emotions when you’re involved in any negotiations. The fear of missing out will sometimes creep into your mind.

Your doubts will undermine your will. Your fears will distract you. The toughest negotiator you’ll ever have to negotiate with is yourself!

The “panicking, nervous, and anxious” area of your mind can convince you to do crazy things, especially when you’re stressed. This voice becomes more and more insistent and loud the more important the decision is.

There are hundreds of books on how to negotiate, and reading them all can help you become a great negotiator. However, you don’t need to spend a year reading them; just focus on the key points and put them into practice.

When you’re negotiating, be willing to give up on the deal. This tip was part of my presentation at the Heureka-Conference, a tech conference held recently in Germany.

Before you enter into any negotiations, you should know exactly what your walk-away price is. Before you negotiate with anybody, you should figure out how much you’re willing to lose.

When do you know when to walk away? When do you stop negotiating? When do you say “no”? When do you say that a deal is “too good to pass up”? These are all questions you should ask yourself before entering into a negotiation.


So, the next time you’re in a negotiation that isn’t going your way, don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal. It might just be the best thing for you.

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Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.