If you’re anything like me, you’re always looking for ways to get ahead. And what better way to do that than by hacking time? That’s right, with a clock. Using a time hacker clock, you can get ahead of the game and make the most of your day. So if you want to learn how to hack time, read on!

Time Hacker Clock

Time hacking is a technique that can be used to make time pass more quickly or slowly.

Time hacker clocks can be used to make time pass more quickly or slowly.

This [Matt Wach] project takes a radically different approach from most clocks, using e-paper to sip power instead of burning through it. It’s a great choice for anyone looking for a low-powered timepiece!

The clock uses an e-paper screen that only draws current when the time changes. When the clock displays a static image, it requires no power and saves energy.

What would happen if time got hacked?

A security researcher and Black Hat Europe 2021 speaker, Adam Laurie, highlighted the fragile nature of timekeeping.

Hardware hacking expert and Hackaday Prize judge Laurie, here with us today, showed us how to alter the time on a wall clock.

“I was curious about spoofing the Caller ID time” sync, he said in his keynote speech.

He hacked a radio frequency (RF) based system that is used to synchronize time on devices. He effectively created his time zone by overriding this RF system with his personal one.

The strange device created by a BBC employee caused a UK-wide radio signal that synchronizes clocks to be interrupted.

He changed the time on a mirrored, digital wall clock so that it displayed 4:18, which is the same time as 9:48.

The iPhone’s white face can be set to display the time and syncs with the Network Time Protocol (NPT) that transmits a local atomic clock broadcast to the time device, ensuring that your device always has the correct time.

Hacking the NPL’s NTP signal caused his red digital alarm clock to display the wrong time.

“I was able to force the phone to display the wrong time for incoming calls,” he said.

The vulnerability underscores how vulnerable our technology can be to abuse and how easy it would be to alter time on a larger scale.

IoT devices use an ATOMIC CLOCK to keep track of the time.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has put forward a proposal to harden the Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and GNSS (Global Navigational Satellites). The proposal includes adding legal protection to anti-jamming and signal-interference laws.

The NTP and PTP protocols that the Internet uses to distribute updates about the current date and time could potentially be tricked into distributing incorrect information, he points out.

“They are not the source of the hour, but they require an external reference that informs them of the hours,” such as the radio-controlled clocks, which broadcast over radio frequency and the Global Positioning System, said Dr. Laurie.


If you want to learn how to hack time, a time hacker clock is the way. With a clock, you can get ahead in life and make the most of your day. So if you’re looking for ways to get ahead, then start using a clock!

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Editors Note:

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Justin McGill
About Author: Justin McGill
This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.