The Role of Sales Team and How to Manage Them

If you manage a sales team, you know that there are always obstacles to success. Whether it’s finding new sales leads or closing deals, every salesperson faces challenges. This article tells you the roles of the sales team and how you can manage the team to ensure a continued flow of income in your business.

What is a Sales Team?

A sales team is a team of people who sell products or services for a company. They generate their own leads to contact potential customers, and they help their company grow.

 The size of a sales group depends on the needs of the company, but most teams are made up of similar positions such as: a SDR, a sales rep, an AE, a CSM, and a sales manager.

The Different Roles of a Sales Team

A sales department has many responsibilities. The department is often divided into multiple roles with unique functions.

  • Sales Development Representative – Also known as business development representatives, a representative in sales is responsible for the first step of the sales process, which involves contacting leads, researching them, and identifying them. This person is often a cold-caller or a member of a team who makes the first contact to a potential client. Once the customer lead is identified as a “qualifying” lead (one that is likely to result in sales), a sales development representative will pass the lead to a higher-level representative.
  • Account Executive The account executive is responsible to bring in new business and make sales. They also fill the traditional role of a salesperson. The success of the deal ultimately rests on the shoulders of this person. Account executives present, lead demonstrations, create proposals, identify obstacles to the purchase process, negotiate terms and finally close the deal.
  • Sales Specialist A sales specialist is someone who has in-depth knowledge about the product and the industry. This person is best suited to handle difficult customer questions or complex issues. A sales specialist can also do product demonstrations and make client proposals. This specialist is responsible for solving any difficult sales problems or other advanced challenges that may arise for the rest of their team.
  • Customer Success Representative – A customer success representative is responsible to follow up on customers who have made purchases and renew sales. This is a crucial role for customer retention and to ensure your business doesn’t lose money. Customer success reps keep your most loyal customers happy and find new ways to improve the relationship, which will increase your profits.
  • Sales Manager The sales manager is responsible for ensuring that the team meets their responsibilities and achieves their goals. This person is responsible for directing the ship and measuring and improving results.

Top Sales Management Strategies for Sales Teams


1.Sales Training – How to Start Your Salespeople Off on the Right Foot

Salespeople who go through comprehensive training programs are better equipped to avoid common pitfalls that hamper the sales process.

A study conducted by Harvard Business Publishing showed that 87% of what you learn in a training session is quickly lost.

So get an effective training program in place for your team, and watch the underperformers turn into high achievers who can generate a lot more business for you.

Regular training keeps everyone on your team on the same page.

A great way to make sure your team stays on track is by creating a strategic plan for training and sticking to it.

This training session should reiterate what your team already knows, while giving them additional tools they can use to excel. By ensuring that your salespeople are always at the top of their game, you can ensure that they’re always performing at their peak.

You make sure your team stays on top of their game by encouraging them to pursue continuing education on their own.

2 Bring Technology Into Your Sales Process

Thanks to the improvement of technology, the tedious parts of the sales process are being automated, freeing up your sales reps’ time to focus on more important matters.

One type of software that is growing in popularity is cloud-computing.

A cloud- based CRM system is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and keep track of your clients and contacts.

Salespeople can use tools like tablets or Bluetooth headsets that allow them the freedom to multi-task while on a sales meeting or phone call.

In order to integrate your tech tools into your sales processes, you need to ensure that the systems you use are compatible and work well with the systems and tools that your salespeople are already using. Doing so will help your reps be more efficient and productive.

Stay on top of the latest tech developments to ensure that you and your sales team are as productive and efficient as possible.

Ask the members of your team if there are any tools or apps that can make their jobs easier.

3 Streamline the Sales Process

Though your sales team may follow a different process than another, having a general process that guides them through the selling process is essential.

Creating specific plays that are tailored to your team is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your sales team.

Sales playbooks are the processes used by your top performing reps. They share those best practices with your under-performing team members.

With a consistent, efficient process, your sales team will be more productive.

Playbooks are a helpful tool, but they won’t always work for every scenario. They work best as guides that lead your reps through a buyer’s journey.

4 Improve Your Company Culture

Employee happiness is becoming more and more important to companies, and one way to achieve that is by fostering a positive culture.

According to Pew Research, millennials make up the majority of the U.S. working population.

Millennials make up 54 million people, and they put great importance on company culture.

Sales employees want benefits that include healthcare, 401k plans and paid vacation. Providing flexibility, opportunities for development and a socially conscious reputation are all ways to attract and keep great talent.

Other effective strategies to improve your sales team’s culture are:

A healthy corporate culture is an essential component to the success of a sales team. A happy, motivated, and excited team will be much more productive than one that is unhappy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Organizing events, celebrations, and contests is a great way to keep employees engaged.

5 Sales Team Performance Management


While all great sales people share similar traits, like drive, remember that not everyone shares the same personality.

Your sales team will have many different personality types, learning preferences and coaching styles. So, be sure to not treat them all in the same way.

Rather than treating all of your employees the same, try considering their personalities. This will increase the chance that each of your reps will reach their full potential.

6 Inspire Your Sales Team

Great sales managers are good at motivating their teams.

Sales managers that use motivation as a sales team management technique understand that each sales person has unique talents and abilities. By helping them identify and harness these talents, these sales managers are able to create an environment where everyone can succeed.

The characteristics of inspiring sales managers, according to research, include:

Great sales managers inspire their salespeople. They are positive, grateful, and willing to take responsibility for their team.

Creating a work environment that motivates your employees to excel will encourage them to work hard.

And that means more sales and greater revenue.

7 Create a Successful Sales Competition

Creating a contest is a great way to motivate your team.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when creating a sales contest:

If you want to run a successful sales team, you should set clear goals. Keep it simple, and have some fun.

Keep in touch with your customers by keeping them up to date on news from the competitors.

Be sure to congratulate whoever wins the competition.

8 Get to Know Your Sales Team


How can you expect your sales team to be as effective as possible if you don’t know anything about them?

Working with the right team is essential in sales.

Take the time to learn your sales reps’ names, but also their personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and anything else that’ll help you connect with them.

You need to learn as much about your sales team as possible. That includes their strengths and weaknesses, their motivations, and their learning and work styles. By knowing this information, you’ll be better equipped to manage and motivate them.

All of these tips will help you to truly understand your sales team, which will bring with it some huge advantages.

When employees feel more connected with their managers, they are more motivated and productive. Gallup found that companies with highly connected teams had 21% more engagement than their counterparts.

Take the time to get to know the members of your sales team and you’ll see your numbers improve.

9 Build a Winning Sales Team

As a manager, you can’t be in the field yourself. Instead, you need to trust that your reps are getting the job done.

What strategies do you employ to gain the trust of your prospects?

If you want a strong sales team, you need to recruit people with drive.

You can filter out bad hires by implementing the The Sales Aptitude test into your hiring process. This screening tool will disqualify those who are not fit to be sales professionals.

The Drive Test will save you money and time. According to research from Depaul, you can expect to wait around 6 months and spend over $110,000 replacing a sales representative.

No one wants to waste money on bad hires. Instead of hiring the wrong people, focus on building a strong team from the beginning.

The additional cost of purchasing a separate phone number will be well worth it in the long run.

10 Lead Your Sales Team to Success

While building your sales force, you also need to nurture it to ensure it’s successful.

Here are ways you can help your sales reps succeed:

Help your salespeople meet their goals by investing in them.

Even the most ambitious of sales pros need the right resources in order to reach their full potential.

Provide your team with the resources they need to excel, whether that’s software or anything else.

Check out the sales psychology blog at [link] for helpful tips on how to sell more.

If small investments like Call Logic’s Caller ID feature help your sales team be more productive, then those investments will be worth it.

Make sure your approach is right for you and your team.

Sales strategies are not one size fits all. It’s important to work with your sales reps on an individual basis to develop a plan that works for them.

Set your own goals, and track your own progress.

While it is important to track your reps’ progress, it’s equally important that you track your own goals and your progress.

Identify sales barriers and deal with them. Some of these barriers include communication and rejection fear.


11 Help Your Sales Team Create Effective Sales Plans

The successful salespeople didn’t get to where they are by luck.

As a sales manager, it’s important that you help your team members create effective sales plans. This is because each salesperson is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. By working with each individual to create a sales plan that suits them, you can help them be more successful.

Each of your salespeople should set a monthly or quarterly goal that includes the following:

As a manager, it’s your job to help your sales reps define their goals and create actionable plans for achieving them. This also includes helping them manage their time better and prioritize their tasks.

When prioritizing your activities, you should first consider the needs of your customers. Next, you should look at your company’s goals, objectives, and your skill set. Finally, you should look at the competition and what they are doing.

What factors should your sales reps consider when developing their sales process?

12 Give Feedback to Your Sales Reps

Giving your reps feedback on their sales calls and conversations will help them improve and succeed.

According to research, when managers place emphasis on the strengths of their employees, they are 30 times less likely to become disengaged.

65% of workers wish their bosses would give them more feedback.

Providing feedback to employees is important, but so is telling them what they’re doing well. After all, you don’t want to discourage them.

High-drive sales people thrive on constructive feedback, as it can help them close more deals and further develop their selling skills.

Make sure you give your feedback to your sales reps.

The best way for you to provide constructive feedback is to give specific examples of things that can be improved. This will give employees something concrete to work on and will help them track their progress.

13. Sales Managers Celebrate Individual and Team Wins

Many managers don’t recognize their employees’ achievements, which can have negative consequences for employee satisfaction, productivity, and motivation.

When you take time to celebrate your sales reps’ successes, you’ll see big improvements in their satisfaction, productivity, and motivation. Your reps will feel like they’re being supported and appreciated, which will lead to higher morale and a better workplace.

78% of workers say being recognized for their work motivates them.

As a salesperson, it’s important to keep a positive attitude.

It’s always great to see other salespeople being successful as it motivates the whole team to keep pushing forward. Recognition is key in maintaining a high-performing sales force.

Take the time to recognize your reps for a job well done. Ask them what worked, and how they can implement it into their future sales. This will help them understand what they do well, and how they can continue to be as successful as possible.

14. Set High Goals that Are Realistic


Setting stretch goals that are high, yet realistic, is a great way to give your sales team the boost of confidence they need to succeed. By providing guidance and support, you can help your team reach their full potential.

By setting up challenging but attainable goals for your employees, you are giving them the chance to really push themselves.

However, it is important to set high goals that are realistic and achievable. This way, you can challenge yourself without setting yourself up for disappointment.

Any higher and the goal will seem unattainable, and your team members will not feel like they have achieved anything.

Any higher, and your sales team won’t feel that sense of accomplishment when a goal is reached.

What makes good sales team?

A good sales team is one that can work together to close deals and reach quotas. A good sales team will have a mix of skills, including account management, prospecting, and product knowledge. They should also be able to work together to come up with creative solutions to problems.

What do sales team leaders do?

Sales team leaders are responsible for managing and motivating a team of salespeople. They set sales targets, create sales plans, and monitor performance against targets. They also provide training and support to their team members, and work to resolve any issues that may arise. In addition, sales leaders typically report to a manager or director.


If you manage a sales team, overcoming common barriers to success is essential for achieving your goals. By following the tips above, you can help your team overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. With a little bit of effort, your sales team can be unstoppable!

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Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.