Sales Incentives That Boost Growth: A Win-Win Strategy

Did you know that sales incentives that boost growth for your business also provide benefits for your customers? I recently implemented a sales incentive program at my company, which has been highly successful. Not only have our sales increased, but our customer loyalty has also grown. I believe that offering rewards and incentives is a win-win strategy that can benefit businesses and consumers.

Sales Incentives That Boost Growth

Sales incentives that boost growth are a crucial driver of expansion for many businesses. Companies can encourage employees to sell more products or services by offering incentives.

This can help to increase revenue and grow the business. Incentives can also encourage customers to buy more from a business.

By offering discounts or other incentives, businesses can encourage customers to make larger purchases, which can help to increase sales and grow the business.

What are sales incentives?

Sales incentives are rewards or compensation that salespeople receive for meeting or exceeding specific sales goals. These goals can be based on the number of products or services sold, revenue generated, or other factors. Sales incentives can take the form of cash bonuses, trips, prizes, and different compensation options.

Sales incentives are a great way to motivate your sales team to get out of bed and go to work.

Some people are motivated to do work, while others aren’t. It all depends on the task at hand and the person’s personal preferences.

Sometimes, however, people can be motivated to complete tasks by external rewards.

Incentives are rewards given to salespeople for their hard work.

According to research by IRF, incentives can increase performance by up to 44% if implemented correctly.

Let’s talk about how to provide your sales team with incentives for better performance.

The sales industry has changed a lot over the years. The introduction of new technology has changed the way salespeople operate.

The advancement of technology has led to changes in sales methods.

The way sales people interact with their customers has completely changed due to the advent of new methods like emails and phone calls.

Many sales techniques have changed over time.

One common practice is to offer incentives for your sales team.

Traditional Vs. Modern Sales Incentive Programs

Before the advent of the internet, customers relied heavily on the knowledge and expertise of sales reps when making their final purchasing decisions.

Before the internet, sales reps were the ones to educate customers about products and build strong relationships.

This structure made sales and business objectives easy to predict and measure.

Incentives could have included bonuses for selling a certain number of units of a particular item or meeting sales goals within a given timeframe.

The other factors that influenced the decision-making process were irrelevant.

A sales team’s success was crucial to developing and maintaining customer relationships. This made forecasting and standardizing key performance indicators easier.

While using incentives to drive performance worked in some cases, it failed in others. The sales reps were rewarded or punished based on what the managers thought were the right metrics but weren’t always accurate.

In times past, sales incentives programs were based entirely on profits, not behavior. This is no longer true.

“We cannot expect to be successful if we continue doing things the same way.” -George Barna

“We cannot expect to be successful if we keep clinging to old ways of doing things.”-George Barna.

Today, it’s more difficult for marketers to predict their buyers’ behavior accurately. This is because of the complex buyer journey and buying process.

Customers today have many options available to them, so they tend to research products on their own before making a purchase. As such, they rely more on salespeople for supplemental information about a product later in the process.

This can happen in both inside sales and outside sales teams.

Because salespeople are not in control of the buyer’s journey, they are competing against the wealth of information online and many competitors.

To succeed, a sales management team needs to make sure that they emphasize both the individual aspects of sales and the team aspects.

Because customers are more interested in the company and product they are purchasing, they would rather talk to more than one person from that organization. Speaking to several people can build more trust in that brand.

Sales managers must determine an ideal ratio of collaborative selling to individual sales to maximize their sales team’s potential. By understanding each rep’s unique strengths, they can create sales incentives programs that will encourage each team member to perform to their best.

How to implement a sales incentives program that is right for your business?

Most salespeople are naturally competitive, so adding a competitive element to your incentive program will only encourage them to work harder. It’s essential to choose an incentive that encourages your reps to work harder and rewards the behaviors you want to promote.

When deciding how to incentivize your sales professionals, you have a variety of options to choose from. These options include cash, gift cards, and prizes.

You might want to consider offering individual and team-based incentives if you have multiple sales departments. This can help employees work better together and reduce friction.

If you have reps that work primarily alone, then tiered incentive programs may help them reach new potential. By offering different levels of compensation options, they’ll be more likely to stay motivated and keep improving their performance.

Incentives are an excellent way to keep sales reps motivated, but you need to ensure they don’t distract from their day-to-day objectives.

Make sure you’re offering the right incentives for your sales employees. Incentives should be in line with your company goals, and they should be tailored specifically to each employee.

5 Things to Consider when Implementing a Successful Sales Incentives Plan

We have covered what you should do up to this point. Let’s now look at what you shouldn’t do. Let’s not forget to learn from others’ mistakes. Here are some tips to help you avoid making mistakes when managing your sales compensation plans.

1. Not involving your team.

Although you may know many things, you don’t necessarily know all the answers. Your team knows what’s possible but also what’s not possible. Discuss your goals and what you want from the program. Seek their ideas and what reward they would like to see you achieve your goals.

Be cautious. Be careful. If you reduce the incentive plan for sales to what your team wants, it can have the opposite effect of what you wish and damage the trust you have worked so hard to build.

2. Allowing only one winner.

A winner is someone who is not a star performer. A plan with more than one winner promotes team spirit and collaboration.

Long-term rewards can be great for a supportive team. Steve Jobs once said, “Great things can’t be done by one person.” They are done by a group of people.

3. Having the same incentives for everyone.

Different sales professionals prefer different types of rewards. Diversifying the rewards to increase sales incentive plan appeal to all salespeople is crucial.

4. Not following up with the plan after launch.

It would be best if you made it a part of your day to provide a sales incentive plan that motivates your team. Forbes recommends that you provide daily reports on your team’s results. You could even create a chart that you update with all the team’s performance, depending on your strategy.

If you don’t update your team, they’ll forget about it and not put in the effort you expect.

5. Going on for too long.

People have short attention spans. People like quick wins, even if the win isn’t as significant. Incentive Solutions recommends that you have long-term goals in your sales incentive plan but that you also have short-term goals to keep your team motivated.


Sales incentives have evolved over the years as has the sales landscape. Modern sales is complex. Sales reps must be incentivized in novel ways to stay motivated.

Sales incentives are designed to motivate and reward sales reps. A reward should feel like a well-deserved bonus.

Sales incentives should encourage self-discipline, discipline, teamwork, and collaboration. Your incentive program should be transparent, and should inspire excitement.

These ideas will help you create a sales incentive program that is innovative and meets your organization’s goals. It will also motivate your sales team.


Sales incentives that boost growth for your business also provide benefits for your customers. I recently implemented a sales incentive program at my company, which has been highly successful. Not only have our sales increased, but our customer loyalty has also grown. I believe that offering rewards and incentives is a win-win strategy that can benefit businesses and consumers. If you want to increase sales and grow your business, consider implementing a sales incentive program today!

Need Help Automating Your Sales Prospecting Process?

LeadFuze gives you all the data you need to find ideal leads, including full contact information.

Go through a variety of filters to zero in on the leads you want to reach. This is crazy specific, but you could find all the people that match the following: 

  • A company in the Financial Services or Banking industry
  • Who have more than 10 employees
  • That spend money on Adwords
  • Who use Hubspot
  • Who currently have job openings for marketing help
  • With the role of HR Manager
  • That has only been in this role for less than 1 year
Just to give you an idea. 😀
Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.