Sales closing phrases are important, but often overlooked, tools that can help you seal the deal. I remember when I was first starting out in sales and didn’t know what to say to close a sale. It felt like every time I tried, the prospect would find an excuse to walk away.

I quickly learned that there’s an art to closing a sale, and it starts with using the right words. The right sales closing phrase can make all the difference between getting a yes or a no.

In this blog post, we’ll cover 4 types of sales closing phrases that are sure to help boost your success rate.

Sales Closing Phrases: What Does Closing Mean?

We’ve all heard the phrase “always be closing”, but what does it mean?

Closing is vague. How do you actually do that?

As a new sales professional, I didn’t understand the concept of closing. I thought it meant getting the deal.

Asking for the sale after only spending one hour of time together may seem presumptuous, especially if my software is $100,000.

Mapping Out the Sales Process

Sales reps are often confused about the stages of the sales cycle, and how to get a prospect to say yes to signing an order.

The first step is to understand exactly what the selling process looks like.

A typical sales process involves meeting with a prospect, then bringing them in for a second meeting to discuss your product. If they’re not sold, you bring them for another round. If they’re still not interested, you bring them to a tech review, business review, and functional evaluation.

12 Most Effective Sales Closing Phrases

Whenever you are close to sealing the deal, use one of the following powerful closes. These strong statements show your client that you are committed to helping them solve a problem they are having.

1. “If we give you this price, is there a reason that would push you away from working with us?”

This is a reverse psychology technique where you use the customer’s “no” as an agreement to do business with you.

The closing technique here is to reel in your prospects until they no longer have a reason to back out or look for another provider.

If a customer responds with a “yes” then it gives you the opportunity to address the objection. This can help you close the sale and cement your relationship with the customer.

2. “This is a more profitable approach that fits your budget, right? If yes, I’m more than glad to make follow-up plans.”

If a prospect is on a tight budget, they may agree to the deal, but you may need to adjust your pricing.

By asking this, you will assure them that increasing your budget to match your proposal will result in more profit. Entrepreneurs who truly care about their business won’t pass up on an opportunity to increase their profit margins.

3. “If you make your purchase by the end of the day, I’m willing to give you both products at this price.”

If you’re looking to turn a profit, the best way to do this is by bundling your products. By offering a discounted price for purchasing both items, you’re more likely to get customers to buy both.

If you’re looking to turn a profit by selling a product and an additional add-on, you’ll need to do research to ensure that the additional product won’t cost you more than you’ll make.

4. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”

This closing shows your excitement about starting a healthy business relationship.

If the sales rep is enthusiastic and eager to begin a working relationship, then the prospect will feel like they are being respected. This makes them much more likely to want to work with the rep.

You’re about to seal the deal with a friendly and professional voice. Reassuring your prospect that the two of you will work well together and tackle problems with ease.

5. “What are your thoughts on this?”

When trying to sell, be ready to answer questions about the prospect’s thoughts. This will help you determine how serious your prospective client is about buying.

You’ll be able to tell whether or not they’re ready to seal a deal.

When a customer is happy with a deal, they generally give positive feedback which signals that you are very close to sealing the deal with them.

Have you ever received negative responses to your offers? If so, how did you respond to them? Your response should be able to persuade the prospect to reconsider.

A no to a deal isn’t always a no to everything. It’s often important to ask probing questions in order to determine what issues or concerns are holding them back. Then find a solution to that concern.

6. “What interests you about our product?”

Closing a sale requires asking the right questions to open a discussion. Dig for more information and analyze the data you receive.

What interests you most about our product? What benefits of the product stand out to you the most?

Oftentimes when a prospect responds, they let you know what they are looking for. Now, discuss how your product/service can help them meet their need.

These types of questions help you develop a deeper understanding of what your target audience is searching for. This will make it much easier for you to craft marketing messages that speak to your prospects’ needs.

7. “As you have seen, this product offers you (the most important benefit.) How does that sound?”

By emphasizing the benefits of your product or service, you can show that you are the best person to solve their issue.

If your prospective client is not happy with what you’ve told them, emphasize your product’s features and the benefits it will provide them. Finish by summarizing the additional information they provided you.

Conclude by thanking them for their time, and for giving you the opportunity to address their questions.

8. “Our product seems to fit your needs. It will solve this disturbing problem effortlessly.”

Closing with a sales pitch like this helps to build rapport with your prospect and shows that you understand their needs. This will lead to trust, and ultimately, a sale.

This final question is the clincher that reassures the client that they made the right choice in calling you.

Make sure to phrase the sales closing statement in a positive light. This will result in your prospect thinking about all of the positive aspects of buying from you.

9. “Why don’t you give our product a try?”

When dealing with someone who is afraid to make a commitment to buy, try framing your close in a way that minimizes the risks associated with purchasing.

Gently nudge your prospect into trying out your solution. You’re not forcing them to commit to anything, just letting them know that it’d be a good idea.

The indirect way to ask this question is to say, “I understand, but is there anything else I can do for you?”

The long-term goal is to build a relationship with your prospect so that they trust you and your product. Reiterate the benefits that your product or service offers so that they’re more inclined to try it.

10. “If you sign now, you will achieve (benefit) as soon as possible.”

This closing line lets your prospect know that they can buy your product or service now. Most people want things right away, so they’ll agree to the deal as soon as you show them how beneficial it is.

Show your prospective client that their decision is the right one by letting them know that there aren’t any other options available. Emphasize the urgency by telling them that if they don’t close this deal, they’ll miss out on the benefits.

Once the deal is finalized, your client will start seeing the benefits of your product or service.

11. “What do you say we get you signed up right now?”

Asking this closing question will help seal the deal with your prospects. They won’t feel pressured, and if they say yes, you’ll be that much closer to making the sale.

Closing questions are only effective if you have already covered all the bases with the potential client. You don’t want to give them the deal then have them ask for product features that you haven’t even mentioned yet.

12. “If there are no more concerns, we are ready to get started.”

This helps you achieve two things at once: closing the deal and establishing rapport.

You give your prospects the chance to voice their concerns and reassure them.

If a prospect has questions, this closing statement directs them to ask you immediately. If they do not, use this as an opportunity to move the conversation forward and close the sale.

How to Structure a Closing Meeting

Now that we know the components that make up our deal, we can frame our closing statement using the acronym SARB.

  • Summarize: Wrap up what you talked about and how your solution solves their business needs.
  • Ask: Gather feedback and ask what stood out to them.
  • Recommend: Who on their side should be involved and why their involvement is important at this stage.
  • Book: Schedule the next meeting with the prospect on the phone.

Let’s examine what a good SARB script looks like.

1. Summarize

Hopefully, this gives you a high-level overview of how this technology works and how you can use it to get accurate, timely, and actionable marketing performance data to marketers. This can help them make better, more informed decisions about their programs and campaigns, and you can meet your 20% annual growth in lead generation.

2. Ask For Feedback

What do you think? What stood out to you?

3. Recommend Next Steps

Now that you’ve got your sales team on board, it would be beneficial to set up a larger meeting with them, so that they can get just as excited about your product as you are!

4. Book a Meeting

How does Tuesday at 2:00 pm work for you? If that time doesn’t work, we can certainly adjust it.

The SARB method above is standard for a sales meeting, but it can be applied across all your follow-ups as well.

Many sales reps have an excellent first meeting, but when they follow up, they forget their sales techniques and resort to just selling.

How to Modify SARB for the End of Your Deal

Close the deal by summing up your conversation and asking your prospect for feedback on how it went. Then, suggest what the next steps are.

Now that you’ve scheduled your follow-up, it’s time to plan your next appointment.

1. Summarize

I’m glad you were able to look over our contract and negotiate a $20,000 yearly reduction in your fees.

2. Ask For Feedback

Personally, I’m excited about the economics of the deal but I’d love to hear your thoughts.

3. Recommend Next Steps

We should get the agreement to your legal department immediately. The discount is contingent on us signing the contract by Friday, and we have about a week to make this happen.

4. Book the Next Meeting

Are you free on Friday at 1:00 pm so we can make sure we are on track?

These SARB steps are easy, concise, and powerful. We can avoid being pushy and instead appear eager to help them get the products that they want with the discounts they ask for.

Try out these tips next time you meet with a client. They will help you be better prepared and keep you on track.

From now on, you should ALWAYS be S-A-R-B-I-N-G!

4 Highly Effective Sales Closing Techniques

1. The assumptive close is a powerful technique in which the salesperson assumes that the deal is already done and moves forward with the next steps. This can be an effective way to create a sense of urgency and push the buyer towards a decision.

2. The alternative close presents the buyer with two options, one of which is clearly preferable. This technique can be used to highlight the value of the product or service being sold.

3. The “I’ll think about it” close can be effective in situations where the buyer is undecided or on the fence about making a purchase. By offering to think about their options, the salesperson shows that they are willing to work with the buyer to find a solution that meets their needs.

4. The “Let me check with my manager” close is often used as a last resort when all other techniques have failed. This technique buys time for the salesperson to consult with their manager and develop.

What to Say to Customers After Closing a Deal

When closing a sale with a customer, it is important to thank them for their business and let them know that you appreciate their patronage.

You may also want to give them a brief overview of what they can expect from the product or service they have purchased, and how to get the most out of it.

Finally, be sure to wish them well and invite them to come back again in the future.


If you’re looking for sales closing phrases that will help you seal the deal, look no further! This blog post covers 4 types of closes that are sure to help boost your success rate. By understanding these different types of closes and when to use them, you’ll be able to equip yourself with the tools you need for success.

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Justin McGill
About Author: Justin McGill
This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.