How to Use Personalization in Sales to Close More Deals

Like most salespeople, you know that personalization is key to closing more deals. But what exactly does that mean? And how can you use it effectively? In this blog post, we’ll explore seven different ways that you can use personalization in sales. By the end, you’ll better understand how to put this important technique into practice. So let’s get started!

Personalization in Sales: The Key to Customer Satisfaction

Personalization in sales generally refers to tailoring the sales process and approach to the specific needs and preferences of an individual customer.

This can involve everything from using the customer’s name and personal details in communications to customize products and services to fit their requirements.

By making the sales process more personal and relevant to the customer, businesses can hope to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and boost sales.

What is The Importance of Email Personalization?

You may not be aware of this, but much of the information you absorb daily is customized for you.

The content that shows up in your news feed on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn is customized for you. It considers several factors, including what you’ve liked in the past, what your friends like, and what companies you follow.

According to Facebook, they target you with advertisements based on what you post, like, and comment on and your general activity on Facebook.

The ads you see on Facebook are tailored to your interests, including things you’ve liked, your frequent sites, and the pages you subscribe to.

Instagram profiles you by studying the content you consume and then serving you personalized content that it knows you will enjoy. This is beneficial for both users and Instagram as it results in higher engagement rates and more money from advertisers.

Personalization is tailoring your content and offers to what you know about your prospects.

Email marketing personalization involves tailoring your messages to groups of customers with unique interests.

It can be anything, from their name to an offer on a set of products they’ve bought or suggested they visit a nearby store.

Personalizing the content, you send to your prospects increases your chances of conversion. For instance, personalized email subject lines have increased click and open rates.

Now that you’ve learned what email personalization is, here are some ways to personalize your emails!

When your emails are personalized, they engage more with your audience. You can double your results by personalizing your emails.

It’s one of the most challenging marketing tactics to master.

With Facebook ads, all you have to do is set a budget for your campaign, create your target audience (with help from Facebook and Instagram), and you’ll see the results.

The more you learn about social media, the better results you’ll get, but it’s easy to mess up a social media strategy and not get anything out of it.

Email marketing can be difficult to master. It would help if you considered segmenting your audience, writing clever subject lines, and tracking website visits to see where customers are in their purchase journey. However, taking the time to learn these skills will pay off in the long run. Email personalization is the key to success in this field.

Email marketing is at its best when emails are personalized.

Best Sales Personalization Strategies 

For today’s consumers, there are almost always multiple options available to them when making purchases. This makes it even more difficult for salespeople to close the deal.

When customers receive numerous marketing messages from companies every day, personalizing them can give them the boost they need.

The buyers don’t want to feel just a number. They don’t want to be treated like another customer. They want you to make them feel like they’re your only client.

Personalizing your approach and pitch can help you stand out from the competition.

Remember these tips when training your sales team.

1. Research

Before meeting with a prospect, please do your research on them. Check out their social media profiles and website.

Before you meet with a client, check out their LinkedIn profile. This can give you insight into what they do, how they communicate with others, and what kinds of things they appreciate. Having this background information can help you tailor your pitch to their needs.

As you prepare to make your sales pitch, tailor the language you use to your prospects’ backgrounds. Be careful not to rely on stereotypes. Instead, please get to know your audience members to understand their needs and wants. This way, you’ll be able to deliver a more personalized and effective pitch.

2. Listen intently to your customer stories

Talking to clients directly is the only way to know what they need truly.

When meeting with a new prospect, don’t try to sell them something right away. Focus on getting to know them and building a rapport with them. Once you’ve established a connection, you can discuss possible products and services.

This lets you learn more about them so you can tailor a pitch to their specific wants and needs.

As salespeople, we must understand what our potential customers’ problems are. By understanding their issues, we can then offer a solution, which in many cases, can be the deciding factor in whether or not a sale is made.

If you want to connect with your prospective client, try asking them questions. This can help get them talking and can also create commonalities between you.

If you meet with a potential customer, leave behind some promotional materials. People like free stuff, which could help them feel more relaxed with you.

You don’t have to spend a fortune on promotional items. Something simple like a t-shirt or hat will do the trick.

3. Automate your emails

While automated emails are a great way to save time, nobody likes feeling like they’re just talking to a soulless machine.

When you personalize your email templates, you can appeal to your prospective customer on a more personal level and, in turn, build a stronger relationship with them. This, as a result, will create a more effective sales cycle.

Mention as many details as you can—for example, mention that you recently read an article that they wrote or that you follow them on Twitter.

Don’t just state an obvious fact; instead, explain how your personal story relates to your brand.

With saleshandy.com, you can personalize each message you send to your prospects. Rather than list off a list of features that your product has, you can focus on the benefits and value that you can provide.

Always focus on the benefits of your product, not just its features of it.

4. Send hand-written notes

Emailing can be great, but you shouldn’t rely solely on it. Try mixing up your communications by reaching out to clients over the phone.

A hand-written thank you card is a great way to let your prospects know you are friendly, but it’s still important to keep it professional and on-brand. Consider using branded stationery and matching envelopes.

This will make it easier for potential customers to recognize and remember your business.

Most emails should be no more than 1 single-spaced page of text. Referencing something you talked about at your last meeting will remind them you listened.

This lets them know that you’re not just sending out a form letter to everyone; you took the time to personalize it.

5. Personalize your recommendations

As you speak to your prospective customer, try to suggest other products and services that can help them. By doing this, you show that you are trying to help and not just sell.

This tip should seem obvious, but it shows you’re providing value and not simply trying to sell.

Only discuss relevant products or services with your clients. This will save both of you a lot of time.

Recommending other products or services is a great way to increase your sales, but make sure you explain why they solve your clients’ unique issues.

You could partner with another business to promote each other’s products. This could lead to more sales and new leadership opportunities.

6. Utilize technology to make your life easier

The landscape of sales has changed, and some of the most useful tools in your toolbox are right on your cell phone.

Sales engagement apps are a powerful tool for sales teams. They provide quick access to content and information, making it easy to personalize messages on the go. In addition, these apps can save time and money by streamlining processes and automating tasks.

Here are a few examples:

If you want to save time, money, and effort, consider using a sales relationship management platform such as [N], which integrates with your CRM, email, calendar, etc. Using [N], you can gain valuable insights into your buyer’s needs, which can help you close more deals.

Other creative apps like Seismic, for example, enable you to create documents, presentations, and multimedia content from a simple, drag and drop user interface.

With apps like these, you can personalize presentations for clients by showing them apps that you know will be relevant to them based on their history.

7. Follow-ups

Your relationship with a client shouldn’t end with the sale. Occasionally send them notes or greeting cards to remind them you’re still there.

If you have products or services that need to be renewed or purchased annually, send reminder emails to past clients. Include notes from your previous meetings to show them that you’re paying attention to their needs and care.

Sending a holiday card is a simple way to connect with clients after the purchase. You can also send them notes to commemorate special occasions like anniversaries of your meeting or first sales.

Providing great post-sales service is one of the best ways to ensure that clients are happy and that they’ll continue to recommend you to others.

Including referral discount codes in your correspondence with customers is a great way to encourage them to give you even more referrals.

8. Regularly update your processes

Don’t just personalize once and then forget about it. Your personalization efforts need to be reviewed and adjusted regularly.

Keep an eye on your metrics and note which elements are not working for you.

Stay on top of the latest advancements in CRM technology. The right tools can help you boost your productivity by 10X, so you don’t want to miss out.


Sales personalization is a powerful strategy that can help you close more deals. By understanding how to use personalization in sales effectively, you can take your sales career to the next level. So put these personalization strategies into practice and start seeing results!

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Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.