How Many Sales People in the United States Are Successful?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably wondered how many sales people in the United States are thriving in the business. Based on some research, it looks like the number is somewhere around 15 million. That’s a lot of sales people! Why am I so interested in this topic? Well, my husband is a salesperson and I’m always curious about the industry he works in. Plus, we live in Texas which is known for being a big state with lots of businesses (and therefore presumably lots of salespeople). So if you’re also wondering about this topic or just want to know more about the world of salespeople, read on!

How Many Sales People in the United States as of 2020

There is no definitive answer to the question “how many sales people in the United States” as the number can vary greatly depending on the industry and the size of the company.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were about 14.4 million people employed in sales and related occupations in the US as of May 2016. This figure includes occupations such as retail salespersons, insurance sales agents, real estate brokers and agents, and securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents.

In any case, the 4.3% of workers that are in sales are in higher demand than ever.

It’s no surprise that the number of sales jobs continue to decline by 2021. This is because more retail jobs are being replaced by online shopping.

But I was also curious to see how employment rates vary across the US, so I took a look at the percent employed in 10 of the largest urban areas.

  1. New York: 4.5%
  2. Los Angeles: 4.3%
  3. Chicago: 4.7%
  4. Dallas: 5.1%
  5. Philadelphia: 4.8%
  6. Houston: 4.5%
  7. Miami: 5.2%
  8. Washington, D.C.: 4.5%
  9. Atlanta: 4.5%
  10. Boston: 5.4%

The percentage of people in sales jobs is highest in Dallas and Miami, at 5.1% and 5.2% respectively. This is likely because these two cities have a lot of businesses and industries that require salespeople.

My methodology for this research wasn’t exactly scientific. I just looked at the sales numbers for each state from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics and the population for each state from the Census Bureau.

Sales Person Demographics and Statistics in the US

There are loads of opportunities for salespeople, whether they want to work remotely, part-time, or full-time. There are all sorts of different jobs in different industries, so there’s bound to be something that interests you.

The average yearly salary for a salesperson is $56,000, and there is expected to be a 5% growth in the industry in the next decade.

The average age of a working salesperson is 41. In 2021, women are earning 88% of what men are making. The top 10% of highest-earning salespeople make $155,000 or more.

The majority of salespeople are white, accounting for 60.2% of the total population. Hispanic or Latino salespeople make up 18.5% of the population, while black or African American salespeople account for 10.7%.

However, it is important to note that these percentages may not accurately reflect the population as a whole because 3.2% of respondents chose not to disclose their ethnicity, and 0.6% identified as American Indian or Alaska Native.

Using data from the U.S. census bureau, we took a look at how the number of salespeople in each ethnic group changed between 2010 and 2019.

The percentage of white salespeople decreased from 2010 to 2019. The percentage of Asian salespeople has increased during the same period. The percentages of both Hispanics and African Americans in sales have remained about the same.

What are The Most In-Demand Sales Jobs?

  1. Sales Associate
  2. Sales Consultant
  3. Sales Representative
  4. Insurance Sales Agent
  5. Insurance Sales Representative
  6. Cashier
  7. Shopper
  8. Associate
  9. Team Leader
  10. Real Estate Agent

Sales Person Degree Levels

43% of salespeople have earned a bachelor’s degree, 27% have a high school diploma, and 17% have an associate’s.

Average Age of a Sales Person

The average age of salespeople in the US is 40 years old, which represents 50% of the population.

Where Do Top-Earning Sales Managers Work?

This map shows where salespeople in the United States make the most money. The darkest areas are where salespeople are earning the most.


Where Are Most Salespeople Located?

After looking at more than 115,505 salespeople’s resumes, we found the most common locations were New York City and Texas.


What are the Highest Paying Cities for Sales Reps?

Charlotte ($78,946), Orlando ($73,046), Dallas ($71,669), Tampa ($71,408), and Las Vegas ($71,281) are the highest paying cities in the United States for sales representatives.

Top companies for Sales Representatives in the United States

Renewal by Andersen is a top company for sales representatives in the United States. With a 3.5-star rating and an average salary of $150,491 per year, it is no wonder that this company is so popular among sales reps.

UnitedHealth Group is another top company for sales representatives in the United States. This company has a 3.6-star rating and an average salary of $146,788 per year.

Erie Home is yet another top company for sales representatives in the United States. This company boasts a 4.3-star rating and an average salary of $131,550 per year.

What Percent of the US Population Work in Sales?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on how you define “sales.” However, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 11 percent of people in the US are employed in “sales and related occupations.” This includes jobs such as retail sales, wholesale and manufacturing sales, and real estate.

Is Sales a Popular Profession?

Sales is not the most common job but it is a very popular profession. Many people choose to enter the sales field because it offers a good income potential and flexible work hours.

Sales jobs are also available in a wide range of industries, so there is usually a good fit for someone with any type of interest or skill set.


There are no definite numbers on how many sales people in the United States. However, based on research it looks like the number is somewhere around 4 million. If you’re curious about this topic or just want to know more about the world of salespeople, be sure to check out our blog for more information.

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Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.