Although not all of them are ready to invest in lead generation technologies without being assured and get instant results.

With the ongoing pandemic, countless people have used their talents and crafts to work from home. 

In return, we saw that many distance business and income opportunities surfaced.

Adding to that, a plethora of different businesses have emerged, growing the market. 

Of course, with it came an increasing number of competitors within different industries. 

You can measure the growth of your business by how many leads you generate, for instance. 

Free Lead Generation Websites and Methods Share on X

First, you must learn how to contact prospects, create content that will pop out and get you buzzed about.

Second, you might also need to invest into figuring out an edge for your own business can be a lot of work. 

That’s where lead generation comes in.

It consists of four fundamental pillars of lead generation.

We’re all aware that lead generation methods come in various forms.

But there needs to be a certain flow for any of them to be effective.

Lead Capturing is exactly how it sounds — the first thing that you first need to figure out is how to get prospects’ attention and collect information that will apply to your company.

Because of recent technological gains and advancements, different free lead generation websites surfaced and evolved.

However, some of them may work more for you than others. 

At the rate that things are changing, you must come up with a variety of creative strategies and campaigns.

Lead Magnets are tools that you can use to your own advantage by offering opportunities for prospective clients and customers to leave their information.

They can come in many forms that will make prospects feel like they are already getting something from you. 

Moreover, you can create content and put it out there in form of:

  • E-Books 
  • Exclusive content 
  • Videos
  • Free trials 
  • Webinars 

These are opportunities for trade-offs that give you their contact information. 

As a matter of fact, gaining access to their information opens the door for communication in the future.

Landing Pages typically set the first impression for all prospects.

Usually, they are pages or even call-to-action buttons that prospects see before even landing on your home page. 

They furthermore aim to capture the attention of prospects and build them up to be leads and conversions.

Above all, they should be informative enough to help push prospects in the right direction. For those interested in how to create a website from scratch, understanding the role and design of effective landing pages is crucial, as these are often among the first elements of your site that potential customers will interact with.

Landing pages, however, must always be consistent with much of the other content you put out, especially your ads.

This way, you deliver on the promise that you put on advertisements.

It’s always better to overwhelm rather than be underwhelming!

Lead Scoring is the process to determine which leads are more qualified based on their engagements with your content.

You’ll determine which prospects will convert by how they engage and react to your content. 

Equally, being able to figure out which leads to pursue will save you all the more time, money and resources. 

Not to mention that knowing these things makes it easier to search for you.

To search for the lead generation services, you must take your business a step further. 

For one thing, what might work for others may not work for you, and vice versa. 

Familiarize yourself with what type of business you run and how you think other people within the industry have grown, for instance. 

Like all businesses, we all have to start from the ground up. 

Not everyone has resources and allocated funds for lead generation services. 

It’s important to realize that highly qualified lead generation services can be costly.

So now you’re probably thinking, are there any free lead generation websites?

Luckily for you, there’s a sea of companies that offer free lead generation websites to help you out! 

In this article, we’ll walk you through some of our picks and qualified lead generation articles, and other strategies for you to try out.

Are there any free lead generation websites?

Believe it or not, there are a ton of ready-to-use tools that will help you with your lead generating needs. 

Just always remember that you use tools that will help with the four pillars mentioned above!

1 FindThatLead

free lead generation websites example 1

One of the most popular free lead generation websites, FindThatLead proved to pull lead information in by entering their URL. 

B2B businesses may find this helpful in getting in contact with other professionals or companies. 

It usually works by letting you enter a singleURL or domain, and it then shows you different contact information from people who work in that company. 

In detail, it shows the name, title, and email address that may be invaluable information to you. 

You can also verify those email addresses under this tool. 

This will save you the time and trouble of sending emails and not even having them delivered. 

Not to mention that registering for it is easy, and it gives you access to their already overflowing pool of leads. 

To unlock their services, all you will actually need to do is to register for an account. 

This will enable you to test almost all its features at no cost, which can be helpful if you’re only starting out. 

Take a moment to explore what you can do with the free aspect of this tool to see if it gives you the prospects that can be helpful to your business. 

If this gives you satisfaction, plans start at $49, which isn’t a hefty price tag for something that can be of use to you!

2  HelloBar

example free lead generation websites 2

Taking on a more creative route, HelloBar has established itself as a direct, no-BS lead magnet. 

This tool offers in addition lots of possibilities, it:

  • Drives traffic,
  • captures information,
  • and helps you reach these prospects. 

You enter your website URL or email address, and voila! You successfully captured leads. 

Its homepage itself wastes no time in dilly dallying.

Instead, it already reels you in with its in-your-face-but somewhat-still-effective headline like: 

Free Lead Generation Websites and Methods Share on X

They mainly specialize in creating pop-ups that have a specific task, which is to reel people in, 

This is, of course, highly customizable depending on your goal. 

Whether it’s putting together a list of email addresses that can apply to you, or bringing in more sales, HelloBar will surely deliver.  

Another significant thing about this tool is that it is easy to integrate it to your website. 

To point out, it won’t need any extra services from software developers or website builders to get it on your site at all. 

It also helps send data to other platforms that you may use, like:

  • Buffer
  • Facebook
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter 
  • LinkedIn. 

The catch here is its limitations within the free plan they offer. 

Then again, putting this on your own website for free will require a certain attribution.

This certainly means that their logo will probably be present. 

If you have no problem with this, then it’ll definitely benefit you without costing too much. 

If you end up satisfied with what their free plan offers, they do offer plans for as low as $29! 

Of course you will enjoy extra features that will help you grow your leads’ list.

With the effectiveness of this tool, you see the effects without even going to their website.

And be it for free or with a low price tag, you will capture leads instantly!

3 HubSpot

Website free lead generation example 3

HubSpot is a popular website that offers plenty of tools to help with your business. 

To demonstrate, take a glimpse into their work, social media presences, and different lead generation tools. 

This is definitely one of the free lead generation websites that you can’t overlook! 

Their marketing hub features in brief: 

  • Email marketing 
  • Forms 
  • List segmentation 
  • Landing pages 
  • Contact management 
  • Live chat 
  • Facebook, Instagram, Google, LinkedIn ads 
  • Traffic and conversion analytics 

This means that with their all-in-one no-cost software, you get help with things like: 

  • Creating drip campaigns to help nurture your leads and send them down the road of conversion 
  • Integrating forms to collect data from prospects. This will later on lead to generating leads 
  • Options for live chatting with visitors on your website. Which makes your website feel a lot more personal 
  • A/B Testing 
  • Integration with CMS, email and form tools 

For a free service, you certainly get a lot of benefits! 

As seen, this tool offers all these options under one program. 

It makes it convenient for businesses that are smaller or have less team members to run. 

For businesses, these tools and Customer Relationship Management services are more than enough. 

It comes up with prospective leads and converts them into paying customers. 

But because this service is free, it comes with some limitations. 

Earlier, we talked about how important landing pages are for generating leads. 

They’re considered a fundamental tool for conversion. 

So what you put on a landing page can either make or break the number of leads you’re bringing in. 

Any time a prospect is on your landing page, you can offer anything intriguing.

Among these things we can mention integrating a free trial, email/subscription list, or a demo. 

Creating landing pages comes with HubSpot’s premium plans, which starts at $49 per month!

3 Mailchimp

free lead generation example 4

Emailing has been paramount in the lead generation industry. 

Despite the different methods, emailing remains consistent and efficient. 

With the buzz and chaos on social media, it’s easy to overlook the messages we receive and send out to prospects. 

Mailchimp has cited themselves to be the world’s largest marketing automation platform. 

With Mailchimp, relationship development with potential customers has never been easier. 

Newsletters and email marketing helps nurture your prospects and maintain relationships with them. 

With email marketing, it’s important to keep content fresh and creative. 

Mailchimp specializes in email marketing software

It also provides endless templates that help your newsletters convert new leads. 

But they’ve gone through the extra smile and now offer more than that: 

  • Marketing CRM 
  • Creative Assistant 
  • Website Builder 
  • Mailchimp Domain 
  • Forms & Landing Pages 
  • Up to 2,000 contacts 

This no-cost service already offers multi-channel tools to help generate leads. 

But the next plan (That starts at $9!) offers you more: 

  • All Email Templates 
  • Multi-step Journeys 
  • Custom Branding 
  • A/B Testing 
  • Round-the-clock support 
  • Up to 50,000 contacts 

For an inconsiderable amount, you get these options and a wider reach. 

Withall it can be out of your budget, the free services they offer should be of great help to your business!

5 Boomerang

great example

Boomerang is a simple and user-friendly Gmail extension that helps with scheduling emails. 

This is a great tool for writing emails in bulk. 

Despite its simplicity, it is such a useful tool because it notifies you when you haven’t heard from your prospects. 

That makes building your lists so much easier. 

You can start identifying which prospects you’ll want to reach out and which ones you will no longer contact. 

It is free from the get-go but you can upgrade to their Personal plan for $4.99, which is pretty affordable for what it does! 

This is probably more useful to smaller businesses who won’t have thousands upon thousands of contacts to reach out to. 

If you run a small to medium-sized business with a smaller team, then it can provide an accessible platform with useful automation. 

6 Sumo

This lead capturing software helps you convert leads into paying customers.

It offers a great deal of different tools to automate the growth of your website.

offers of lead generation

Sumo claims to be free forever, which, if effective for you, can save you a lot of time and money in the long run. 

They also offer a pro plan, but there aren’t any major differences from its no-cost offer: 

  • Email opt-in forums 
  • Customizable designs 
  • Social media sharing 
  • Visitor targeting 
  • Unlimited access to subscribers on your contact list 
  • 10,000 emails per month 
  • Email campaigns 
  • Email integrations 
  • Up to $500 Sumo-driven revenue 
  • Increase in average order value 
  • Discount codes 
  • Analytics 
  • One-on-one onboarding 

These are already so many tools at your disposal.

With their pro plan, they also offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if their services don’t work for you.

Free Landing Page Templates

Let’s dive a little deeper into the importance of landing pages.

Many people confuse landing pages with a website’s main homepage. 

Landing pages are essentially standalone web pages that contain marketing or advertising campaigns. 

They are where visitors “land” when they click on links. 

Be that from emails, ads, searches on different search engines or using social media and similar platforms. 

Landing pages designs have the sole purpose of calling-to-action (CTA) Share on X

Because of this, landing pages are essential to increasing the conversions you see from marketing campaigns. 

So how do you differentiate templates from free lead generation websites?  

They usually only contain one link with them instead of many options. It will usually lead to whatever they’re trying to sell you. 

As opposed to main homepages that contain so many links. 

While main homepages are important, they can contain different links and ads that are distracting  . 

This can lead to visitors getting carried away trying to access each link and category.

It carries them away from their primary purpose on your site. 

Best believe that a focused, minimal landing page will bring in more conversions. 

There are two different categories of landing pages: 

  • Lead Generation Landing Pages soliciting to a call-to-action by diverse businesses. 

It collects data from visitors to build lists of highly qualified leads. 

  • Clickthrough Landing Pages used in ecommerce and software-as-a-service (SaaS) markets. 

It goes straight to converting leads into sales, subscriptions or transactions. 

Sometimes different lead generation services are the ones creating landing pages. 

But since we are talking about free online lead generation tools, we’ve also come up with links to different landing page templates!

Colorlib offers an array of free landing page templates for your WordPress platforms.

Contemporary, responsive and mobile-ready templates will help you create and customize landing pages for no cost.

websites template

Templatemo is a template website that specializes in various website templates. It also has quite a few simple but appealing landing pages.

templates for free

HubSpot is always doing the most. They have 20 free and professionally designed landing page templates.

landing page exemple

This is something you’ll want to look into when you’re looking at traffic to your website.

The heavier the traffic, the better it is to come up with or improve a landing page that will keep your prospects attracted and help convert your leads.

How to generate leads online for free

Apart from these open-source softwares, there are also many ways you can start generating traffic, prospects and leads for your website!


Blog posts have been around for a while and still prove to be effective to this day. 

They help with keeping your website interesting. Also, with building your presence on search engines and keyword searches. 

For that, a good deal of software developed through the years to help write and create optimized blog content.

We added create since there are many features you should add to your blog as well. Like links, images, statistics and many more.

Copywriting became a necessity for all business, especially when you rely on blogs for leads and search engine optimization.

It is important to keep your content original, easy to read, but most of all interesting so that prospects won’t just skim through.

Social Media

We can’t stress the importance of social media in the modern marketing world.

Its sheer volume of users makes it a great marketing channel, with the speed that news gets around on these platforms. 

Posting content consistently can also improve your visibility and boost your status. 

Many people look to social media accounts for credibility in businesses.

This opens the door to nurturing relationships with your potential customers. 

It’s also an easier platform to communicate and voice out concerns on, so many customers turn to these platforms for customer service. 

It is 100% free to use for everyone, despite the conversions it brought for many businesses and content creators throughout the years. 

You should always create content that optimize well for the sake of your chosen platform!

Video Marketing and Commercials

Using videos and commercials have the probability of boosting Brand awareness. 

They can also come in many forms such as webinars and live chats, which come across as a more personal approach. 

There is also another way that consists of reaching out to influencers and sending them PR packages for products they can review.


Word-of-mouth and marketing programs that comprise referrals still prove to be effective. 

A stream of leads are the product of lead generation by existing and repeat customers. 

It increases brand credibility because many others can vouch for you. 

You should probably offer incentives, discounts, promos, vouchers and rewards.

It can help enthuse your existing customers to recommend you to others.

Loom is another free tool to integrate. It helps you record video instructions with helpful insights which prospects will be grateful for.

Key Takeaway

Lead generation doesn’t have to break your bank or put a dent in your pocket. 

Sure, lead generation can be pretty complex and even overwhelming. 

But there are many free lead generation tools and services that are available to any business owner out there. 

Some of them are unbelievably easy to use and won’t need any special type of training. 

Despite how important lead generation is to keep businesses going, don’t be afraid to try a few methods. 

You can even try combining different strategies if they work well together for your business. 

Many of these lead generation tools and services can boost your site’s traffic, which will bring in more prospects and leads. 

But remember, you shouldn’t rely solely on tools to help you! 

A great inbound lead generation method talks about optimizing your website for SEO visibility.

One way that proved to increase your visibility is creating content like blog posts and social media posts.

These kinds of methods are free and add a more personal touch to your platforms. 

Engaging with your audience on a personal level will help nurture your relationships with them. 

With this specially curated list, we definitely hope it will encourage you to step out of the box. 

Don’t be afraid to fail once, twice, or thrice… set realistic goals for your lead generating journey. 

Keep in mind, we can only learn from trial and error.

Editors Note:

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