Donald Trump’s Sales Strategies Won the Presidential Election (an Unbiased Point of View)

Donald Trump’s Sales Strategies Won the Presidential Election (an Unbiased Point of View)

Donald Trump’s Strategy to Become President

Many people don’t realize that what won the election were the sales strategies Donald Trump used throughout the process.

The people of the United States and around the world were glued to their television sets as the Presidential Election got underway.

Most “experts” thought Hillary Clinton would beat Donald Trump rather easily, but as votes were counted you could tell it was going to be closer than most people thought if nothing else.

As the final votes were tallied, I just couldn’t help but ask myself how he pulled it off.

In hindsight, it became clear why Donald Trump is so successful in business. At a high level, it’s because he knows how to sell.

Why Donald Trump is so successful in business. At a high level, it's because he knows how to sell. Share on X

Donald Trump's sales strategiesDonald Trump's sales strategies

The following are just some of the strategies Trump used to his advantage in this election.

You should think about how you can use these tactics in your sales process.

People Can Feel Your Confidence

A recent study shows people prefer confidence over actual expertise.

In the debates, it was clear Hillary had all the stats.

Her experience was something Trump couldn’t compete with, but it didn’t matter.

He was scolded publicly for not willing to concede the election to Hillary if he lost.

One could argue that he just had a winning mindset and didn’t believe he’d lose.

He understandably lost respect for this action, but this is another way to look at it.

Trump Strategy: First and foremost, you have to believe in what you’re selling.

Understand the Competition

You shouldn’t be focused on what your competition is doing at all times, but you need to understand how and what they are selling.

You need to understand how and what they (competitors) are selling. Share on X

Each candidate understood the issues at hand and how each other would be defending their stance.

This is important, because they needed to be able to highlight why their way of doing it is best.

Sales Strategy: How often are you asked, “How are you different from (insert competitor)?” You should know the answer to this question.

Understand the Audience

Trump knew there was a rising number of people that were against the way the Government had been run and he used that emotion to his benefit.

The people were tired of the status quo.

He referenced Hillary’s experience as “bad experience” and had the benefit of being able to see which of her past decisions worked and which did not.

As well as the ability to consistently point to the negative outcomes of some of those decisions.

He doesn’t have a track record of bad political decisions because he hasn’t been in a political position and he was able to use this to his advantage.

Sales Strategy: Think of how you can use this to your advantage when you know that a prospective customer is already using a competitor.

Be Memorable

One thing is for sure, Trump was not afraid to be memorable.

He’s had a lot of experience with reality television and was able to use this strategy to his advantage.

Trump Strategy: In what ways can you stand out? Maybe send a personalized video follow-up, or perhaps sending your prospect’s something in the mail?

Using Fear Tactics

Trump became the first President ever to have no political background or military background.

He was able to use this his advantage by having a core message of “we need to change the way we do things, or else…”

He would highlight ISIS, lack of jobs, losing ground to other countries, etc.

These things scared the voters and certainly led to votes at the polls.

Sales Lesson: In your sales presentations look for opportunities to expose what happens if the prospect does NOT make a decision. Do they lose money? Time? Potentially go out of business?

Keep it Simple

Through the campaign, Trump used simple language and brought his arguments down to their basic level.

This made it relatable for the masses.

Trump used simple language and brought his arguments down to their basic level. #sales Share on X

Sales Strategy: Avoid complicated agreements and proposals. Stop using industry lingo and buzzwords and focus on terminology your prospects use.


The challenge now is ensuring he doesn’t fall under the common sales trap of “overpromise and underdeliver.”

What Donald Trump sales techniques are you using in your business to win people over?

Connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know!

Justin McGill: This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.