If you want to learn the key to selling success, then you need to know about decision intelligence! This professional blog post will teach you all about this selling technique and how it can help your business.

I remember when I was first starting out in sales. I was young and eager, but I quickly realized that there was a lot more to selling than just enthusiasm. If I wanted to be successful, I needed to understand what my customers were really looking for and find a way to give it to them. But no matter how hard I tried, there always seemed like there was something missing.

It wasn’t until later that I learned about decision intelligence, alleviated as ”DQ”, and how important it is for selling success. DQ is all about understanding the customer’s needs and wants, as well as their thought process behind making a purchase decision. By understanding these things, you can tailor your sales pitch-perfectly so that they’re sure to say yes! And trust me, once you start using this technique in your own sales career, you’ll see just how big of an impact it can make.

Decision Intelligence Selling

Decision Intelligence selling is a technique that focuses on helping the buyer make a decision by providing them with information and data that they can use to make an informed decision for their business. 

The company sells a sales commission to help buyers make the best decision for their businesses, even if it doesn’t involve purchasing the company’s products.

This type of selling is often used in B2B sales, where the products or services being sold are complex and the decision-making process is often lengthy.

By providing the buyer with information and data that they can use to make an informed decision, the seller can help the buyer to make a decision that is in their best interests.

This process involves a number of conversations, where the sales rep helps the client understand the problem and raise their level of decision-intelligence to the point where they can make the decision on their own.

Your sales reps may think they are following a tried-and-true approach, but they are still relying on you.

When a prospect responds to your outreach, you build trust with them by personalizing your pitch according to their specific needs.

You’re still presenting your product as the solution to their problem, and convincing them that it’s the one they need.

Increase your conversions with DQ

Many people view sales as a manipulative practice where salespeople try to talk you into purchasing things you don’t want or need.

And for a lot of us, it is so, because ultimately, our goal is to sell a product to the buyer.

Two sales experts, Ccott Roy and Dr. Roy Whitten, have been experimenting with a new approach to B2B sales and it’s showing a lot of promise.

It preserves the old style of selling, where salespeople actually cared about their customers and were interested in their problems.

Benefits of Decision Selling

There are many more benefits to using decision selling than you may have realized.

By helping buyers recognize and understand their own problems, you can increase the size of the deal you’re closing, and decrease the chances of them raising any objections to your proposal.

The objections that come up during a discussion will be significantly reduced because they will already have been addressed through the DQ cycle. This way, you can be sure that you are addressing all of the buyer’s concerns and objections, and closing the deal becomes much easier.

The benefits of being a consultative salesperson are numerous. You will not be the stereotypical image of a pushy, slimy salesman, but you will be seen as an expert in your industry.

This will allow you to be more honest with potential clients, and they will see you as someone who is not just trying to make a quick sale. You can sleep soundly knowing that you are not pressuring anyone into making a purchase they may not need or want.

Selling based on DQ is a culture change, and that’s something that takes time. Every member of the team has to share the same mindset and be willing to work and help each other. By doing this, you will see great sales improvements.

Why you Should Increase your Client’s DQ

After learning about their problems, some potential clients do not progress to the sales phase.

This basically means that when they first meet, their DQ is extremely low, and this affects their interest in learning what you have to say.

Their minds are only focused on two things when it comes to products – the price and how quickly they will see an ROI.

6 in 10 customers want to know how much your product costs right away, and 50% of customers want to see the “working” of a product.

They will unconsciously have the idea that you are selling to them.

When you’re committed to helping your clients solve their DQ, you do your best to understand the problem from all angles. This helps you assess the severity of it and how it can affect your client’s business and their employees. By doing this, you show urgency in solving it.

A sense of immediacy is instilled.

If you want to increase your client’s DQ, you need to nurture your leads and introduce them to the solution. Without nurturing, 79% of leads will not convert.

If your pitch is compelling enough, your prospect will believe that your solution is the only solution that can save their company from losing money.

Once their confidence is high enough, they are more likely to purchase.

This technique will also help you understand your buyer better and bost your chance of making a sale. 67% of sales lost are often due to sales representatives not taking the time to properly qualify their potential customers before moving forward in the sales process.

By understanding your buyer and having a clear idea of their needs, you can more easily make a sale that meets their expectations.

Implementing Decision Selling Technique

This will let you know if you are drawn to this style of selling. It will be felt in your gut.

It is a great way to further explore the topic. You can sit down with your sales team to discuss these three steps.

Understand the pain points that your products or services can solve for your customers

Check out your past and current client projects.

What were their challenges?

What were their issues?

Which problems did they actually solve?

Prioritize the list based on which problems you were most successful in solving.

Develop a problem statement for every item on the list

Undoubtedly, you already have value propositions to each of your products or services. These are used in DQ selling. 

Instead, encourage your team to develop problem proposals. These are approaches that allow clients to engage in a conversation about their problems, rather than just listening to your solutions.

Observe how your sales reps actually conduct the DQ sales conversation with their clients.

This is a culture shift that your entire team must make in order to sell this way. A culture shift is not something you can do by yourself.


Decision intelligence selling is all about understanding the customer’s needs and wants, as well as their thought process behind making a purchase decision. By understanding these things, you can tailor your sales pitch-perfectly so that they’re sure to say yes! And trust me, once you start using this technique in your own sales career, you’ll see just how big of an impact it can make

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Editors Note:

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Justin McGill
About Author: Justin McGill
This post was generated for LeadFuze and attributed to Justin McGill, the Founder of LeadFuze.